Show me yours…

Photo Credit: Google

Introduce me to your soul, into those uncharted depths that are solely yours.
Let me see you without the facade we all wear when we are about to step into the light, into the public’s always observing eye.
Let me see you naked and vulnerable, they say vulnerability is power.
Do you believe that?
Because I do.
Show me who you are when you’re alone, what you like to do when you are in self care mode(yes it’s a thing babe)
Your favourite snack? Ps.I don’t share mine
Reveal to me who you are when the day’s exertions have defeated you and you feel like throwing in the towel.
Tell me what triggers you, whether you’ve had suicidal thoughts and how you like your favourite drink
Talk to me and share with me your love languages, teach me how to love you right.
Is this love that I’m feeling because if it is; I’m all in!
Describe to me how you see the world, whether in full technicolour; vivid reds, blues and greens or in more somber blacks, greys and whites.
Walk me through how you experience anger, let me feel what you feel in my veins, in my heart, in my mind.
Allow me to be in sync with you, for us to walk the same paths
Tell me about the nightmare that woke you up when you were ten years old and you thought you saw the bogeyman but it was just a clap of thunder that woke you up
Unveil your favourite core memory for me, the smells, the unadulterated joy.
Your childhood, who showed you wrong from right, shaped your values. what you love the most about your family, paint that picture for me.
Baby, introduce me to your happiness, your goofiness; the smile that you do not share with the world.
That secret smile that says, “Yes, I’m satisfied, I’m content.”
Allow us to have a look that says, I see you, I know you, I love you.
Can you do that for me?
Because I’m ready to do that for you.

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